Sunday, November 23, 2008

Middle McLovin

Grace, Me and Daniel! Self timer is a hit, man! Ding dong ditched Grace's neighbor. Sort of useless cause we tried to Ding Dong Ditch Don't Run and no one answered the freakin door. We listened to hard rock Slip Knot material and Katy Perry champagne pace. Its a UK guy thing. Bahahaha

Brioche Party 
Brioche? No i ate all of it. Honestly


More OJ!

Cup Of Joe anyone? No! Its OJ!
Grace what are you doing?! Its OJ time. Stop the tea/ coffee. 

Yeah. So, while staying at Grace's house for a little while... we ended up doing this.

Its like a Survey thing. I don't know. 


1. who are you!? James Heard
2. are we friends?? yh
3. When and how did we meet?? primary school XD
4. Do you have a crush on me?no
5. Would you kiss me?no
6. Give me a nickname (that isn't bambi) Explain why? cunt
7. Describe me in one whole word! cunt
8. What was your first impression of me? cunt
9. Do you still think the same thing?cunt, i mean yh
10. What reminds you of me? a cunt
11. If you could give me anything what would it be? cunt
12. How well do you know me? cunt anough
13. Whats your favouritememory of us? cunt
14. Have you ever wanted to tell me something you couldn't? ur a cunt?
15. Do you think im remotly attractive lol? cunt attractive
16. If i asked you out what would you say? F U cunt
17. Have you told any of your mates anything about me and what? hes a cunt
18. If we were together right now what would we be doing? callign eahc outher cunts
19. What would be the last thing you say to me? cunt


1. who are you!? Luke Mitchell
2. are we friends?? Yep
3. When and how did we meet?? Camborne School
4. Do you have a crush on me? Ummm No *looks shifty*
5. Would you kiss me? Same Awnser
6. Give me a nickname (that isn't bambi) Explain why? Bambi XD
7. Describe me in one whole word! cunt
8. What was your first impression of me? German
9. Do you still think the same thing? Yep
10. What reminds you of me? The Foals 4 som reason
11. If you could give me anything what would it be? a punch
12. How well do you know me? well enuf
13. Whats your favouritememory of us? Footy Vid
14. Have you ever wanted to tell me something you couldn't? No
15. Do you think im remotly attractive lol? No *looks shifty some more*
16. If i asked you out what would you say? Ye Lol
17. Have you told any of your mates anything about me and what? Hes German
18. If we were together right now what would we be doing? Wanking
19. What would be the last thing you say to me? bye (Y)

Grace mentioned a movie called Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist. I went on youtube and saw the trailer. Seems like my Superbad buddy is 


.e said...

I don't fully understand what your going on about. But I liked your 'about me' section, it made me giggle. So I hope to giggle some more by following ones blogs.


Word verification: loodlene

Natalie said...

Haha, Ding Dong Ditching when no one's home is pretty useless.

Nice pictures!

Interesting surveys, haha....

I want to see Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist really bad, but I haven't really gotten around to it :P

Thanks for commenting on my blog (:

Nicole Linette said...

Hi! I found your blog off of Natalie's.

Self-timer games are epic. And briche! How amazing. Haha, I've been wanting to see Nick and Norah for a while. Michael Cera is pretty great.


Brooke said...

Guess what?
You are a new commenter!! FRICKYES! :p Here.. Have some more thanks!! (:

Wow. You said the c-word a LOT in this post. Im liking the pictures (: Although i'm more of an apple juice person :p

Oh and I really like your profile picture or whatever it is called (: